Credits & Exemptions
Iowa law provides for a number of credits and exemptions. It is the property owner's responsibility to apply for these as provided by law. It is also the property owner's responsibility to report to the Assessor when they are no longer eligible for any credit or exemption they have applied for.
To qualify for the credit, the property owner must be a resident of Iowa and occupy the property on July 1 and for at least six months of every year. To qualify for the exemption, the property owner must be 65 years old or older on January 1 of the year they are applying for. New applications for homestead tax credit and exemption are to be filed with the Assessor on or before July 1 of the year the credit is first claimed. Once a person qualifies, the credit and/or exemption continues until the property is sold or until the owner no longer qualifies.
The credit reduces the value on which taxes are calculated by a maximum of $4,850.
For assessment years beginning on or after January 1, 2024, the exemption is for $6,500 of taxable value.
Download: Application FormIowa Code: Chapter 425
Qualification is determined based on residency, type of discharge and time served. Military veterans including Iowa National Guard and United States Reservists may qualify. Contact the County Assessors' Office for additional information. Applications must be made with the Assessor on or before July 1 of the year the exemption is first claimed. The exemption remains in effect until the property owner is no longer eligible.
Download: Application FormIowa Code: Chapter 426A
This is a tax credit on agricultural tracts of land 10 acres or more that are farmed by the owner or immediate family members (this includes brothers/sisters, sons/daughters, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, uncles/aunts, nephews/nieces.) This credit needs to be filed by November 1st at the Assessor's office. It only needs to be filed once unless the ownership or the person actively engaged in farming changes.
Download: Application FormIowa Code: Chapter 425A
Exemption is based on the actual value added to owner-operated cattle facilities, including small or medium-sized feedlots, either by new construction or by the retrofitting of existing facilities.
Download: Application FormThe impoundment must contain at least 18 acre-feet of water, be outside of a city limits and be used for agricultural purposes to qualify for exemption.
Download: Application FormProperty must be an industrial warehouse, distribution center or research facility to qualify.
Download: Application FormThe first annual application shall be accompanied by a certificate from the Department of Natural Resources stating that the land is native prairie or protected wetland.
Download: Application FormIowa Code: 427.1(23)
The application for pollution control or recycling property shall be accompanied by a certificate from the environmental protection division of the Iowa DNR.
Download: Application FormIowa Code: 427.1(19)
Qualifying structures located in a Urban Revitalization District will receive an exemption based upon the schedule set up by each city council.
Agricultural landowners may designate not more than two acres of the land for use as a wildlife habitat. The Iowa DNR shall certify the designated land as a wildlife habitat.
Download: Application Form